This blog is like Seinfeld. It's not really "about" anything.

Monday, October 20, 2008

match a lonely photo with its caption

I saw this picture online and it needed a good caption:

  • You got to knoooow when to hold it... - Mau

  • Nuh uh...I'm not gonna try it. YOU try it. Let's get Mikey to do it. He'll try anything. Hey Mikey! - Marce

  • Elvis' real meaning behind "a hunk, a hunk of burning love" - Katie
  • Barely able to suppress his giggles, the prison warden delights in the fact that an inmate's execution date FINALLY fell on April 1st.
  • An old-fashioned Johnson Family weenie roast.
  • In the middle of construction, it looks like the plumber and the electrician just "fizzled" out.
  • After getting caught in his own trap yet again, Wile E. Coyote deeply regrets drinking that entire grande macchiato right before setting up his Acme Whizzinator 2000 for the Road Runner.
  • It was a deadly mistake when the electric company accidentally typed a "P" instead of an "M" on Clyde's work order before sending him to the old Hatfield place for their weekly "meter"-reading.
  • Hot pot.
  • "Okay...I think it was Colonol the Conservatory...with the electrically charged urinal."
  • Little Billy TOTALLY missed the point when his science teacher asked the class to construct lightening rods out of everyday household items.
  • (spoken by The Devil) "I'm sorry Mr Ritchie, we made a deal. It's too late to change your mind. It's either this, or stay married to Madonna. I'll go around the corner and give you some privacy. Holler when you're fin...well...never mind. I'll be back when you're done."
  • How Dude ended up looking like a Lady.
Now leave YOUR caption ideas, my hilariously clever friends. It's fun!!


Blogger Mau said...

You got to knoooow when to hold it...

8:41 PM

Blogger BrownBerry said...

(Mau - way to repreSENT!!)
Miss Holzer, how in the hades are we supposed to top those gems??!! Alright, I'll bite...

Nuh uh...I'm not gonna try it. YOU try it. Let's get Mikey to do it. He'll try anything. Hey Mikey!

(oooooold schooool)

10:47 PM

Blogger Voss Family said...

Elvis' real meaning behind "a hunk, a hunk of burning love"

8:45 AM

Blogger Stairway Dweller said...

Oh. My. GAWD. You people are gifted.

11:05 AM


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